Sreyna Sam


Sreyna Sam is the Operations Manager for Client Care at Hagar Cambodia. She has been with the organization since September, 2005, working with women and children who are affected by trauma as a result of human rights abuse, trafficking and slavery. Part of her work centers around helping victims become resilient members of society. During her first 1.5 years at Hagar, she worked as a counselor in the Foster Home Program. From 2007-2010, she worked as the Aftercare Project and Community Group Homes Manager. From July 2010-May 2012, she worked as the Recovery Program Manager. From June 2012-May 2013, she worked as the Recovery and Transitional Care Program Manager. In June 2013, Sreyna was promoted to Operations Manager for Client Care, the position that she currently holds. Sreyna holds two Master’s Degrees in Business Administration and Social Work. Sreyna’s joy come from seeing the broken lives of women and children restored, so they can build dreams and have hope for the future.

Sreyna was born in 1980 in a refugee camp located on the Cambodia and Thailand border. She has four siblings and is the oldest child in her family. Her family was repatriated to Cambodia in 1992 and she remembers it as an exciting time coming back to her home country.

Faith is very important to Sreyna, and she and all of her family members are Christians. Sreyna is married and has three children – 2 girls and 1 boy.