Sr. Patricia Chinyere Oranefo


Born May 25, 1970 at Aba in Eastern Nigeria, to Roland and Eunice Oranefo, (nee Madubuike), Sr. Patricia entered the Congregation of Daughters of Mary, Mother of Mercy (DMMM) on November 18, 1987, and made her first Profession of Vows on September 21st, 1990 and Final Vows on September 22, 1996. She studied Accounting, graduating with a PhDD in 2015. Now, Sr. Patricia is a Senior Lecturer at Nwafor Orizu College of Education, Nsugbe, and has authored four books, jointly authored four others, and published articles in local and international journals.

She has served her Congregation in various capacities: as Secretary of Vincent de Paul Hospital, Ehime; Community and School Bursar of our Congregational Schools; Teacher of Computer Science to our Sisters and Internal Auditor of our Congregation. Beyond the Congregation, Sr. Patricia has served as an accountant to many institutions, foremost of which was the Catholic Institute of West Africa, Port Harcourt.

Sr. Patricia served as Coordinator of Youth Peace Club; Chairperson of Peace Club Committee for Women of the College of Education and Chairperson of Welfare Committee, all of Nsugbe Chapters. She is equally a member of various Church Sodalities: Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement, Confraternity of Christian Doctrine; Legion of Mary, and Devotion to Divine Mercy. She has also been a Formator at and a Coordinator of the Mary League Association and Counselor of Female Youth Organization.