Sr. Evelina Hisog


The congregation of the Oblates of Notre Dame (OND) has been Evelina’s home since 1983. The OND is a catholic congregation of women religious missionaries founded in Cotabato City, in south central Mindanao.

Sr. Evelina says she is privileged and graced to serve in the ministry of leadership as the Superior General of the Oblates of Notre Dame (OND) for the Apostolate Year 2017-2021 and 2021-2025.  As OND, she strives to remain faithful to our charism and spirituality, “To please God always by following Jesus the Poor, in the disposition of Mary, the first faithful disciple.” They go all out to find concrete and relevant responses to the pressing pastoral needs in the contexts in which the ONDs are missioned in the local churches in Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Texas, USA and Okinawa, Japan, particularly in the school, parish/diocesan and social ministries.

As a member of the Joint Executive Board of the Conference of Major Superiors in the Philippines (CMSP, 2022-2024), Sr. Evelina says she is fortunate to encounter the spiritual leaders of religious congregations of men and women who all make every effort to live a life of consecration in the service of God’s mission today.