Sr. Assumpta Mordi


Sr. Assumpta Mordi is a member of the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Apostles (OLA), a Catholic Religious Institute. She is a pastoral and social worker and the coordinator of Maria Centre, an initiative of the Sisters of Our Lady of Apostles for the empowerment of the Internally Displaced and Vulnerable Women and Girls in Abuja, the Federal Capital of Nigeria and environs.

A Bernadin scholar, she holds a Master of Art degree in Theology from Catholic Theological Union at Chicago and a Bachelors degree in Education from the University of Jos, Nigeria. She is a certified spiritual Director of St Beunos, Wales and of the Institute for Spiritual Leadership Chicago. She trained as a Religious Formator at the Institute of Formators Cochabamba, Bolivia. She served as the leader of her Religious Congregation in Argentina and Nigeria and also as the National President of Nigeria Conference of Women Religious.

She is interested in Education, Justice, Integrity of Creation, Peacebuilding, Women empowerment, Interreligious dialogue, Peoples and Cultures.