Nang Seng Hom


L. Nang was born in Kutkai, Northern Shan State and moved to Yangon for her education at the age of 14. She earned two Bachelor degrees in English and Religious Studies. She speaks Kachin, Burmese and English. After the outbreak of the civil war in 2011 between the Burmese Army and the Kachin Independent Army, L. Nang left her job at a tourist company to volunteer as a teacher for the vulnerable children and youth in Liza, Kachin State. She conducted a team to empower women from Hpunlum Yang I.D.P camp to generate income projects.

In 2013 Nang volunteered as a facilitator for the Kachin Education Foundation. Yang currently works as a teacher and principal at the school of Church Based Education in Namtau, Northern Shan State; she has served here since 2018. She believes that God has used her in the field of education to better her community during this time. Due to the rural setting, there are few educational resources for the young people in her village. She continues to take on more responsibility and leadership within her village to encourage the youth. She collects books to provide a library for the school. She is very passionate about supporting the young women in her area. She volunteers as an art and language teacher at the church summer camps and continues to invest in the next generation.