Khadija Tirha

ITALY | 2022-23 FELLOW

Khadija Tirha was born in Morocco and raised in Italy. Khadija currently works at the International Projects department at the Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF) as an intern. A passion for international cooperation since her university years has led her to join different international organizations dealing with solidarity, international cooperation, youth advocacy, peace building,  intercultural dialogue, and global citizenship education.

In 2017, Khadija received an international award as a Young European Volunteer, recognised by the Italian federation FOCSIV (Federation of Christian Organizations for International Volunteer Service). Recently, Khadija earned a double Master’s degree in International Relations of the MENA Region and Comparative Analysis of Mediterranean Societies between University of Turin and the School of Governance and Economics (EGE Rabat) in 2020. Her research focuses on return migration to Morocco by youth. She is a youth delegate at the Council of Europe, a peacebuilder in IDove Community (Interfaith dialogue on Violent Extremism) and ACWAY Movement, a Young Change-Maker MEM (Middle East Mediterranean) Summer Summit. She is also part of the World Economic Forum's Global Shapers Community.