Jane Njeri Gitarang’a


Jane Njeri Gitarang’a is a religious sister of the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, a congregation founded in Glasgow, Scotland. She is a dedicated communication professional with over six years of experience in communications management, mentorship, and social transformation.

Currently serving as the Director of the Communication Network for Catholic Sisters (CNCS) in Kenya, Sr. Njeri leads initiatives to enhance communication strategies and foster collaboration among religious communities. Her expertise in creating impactful messaging and building meaningful connections has amplified the voice and mission of Catholic sisters, especially in service to the vulnerable and marginalized across Kenya.

Previously, Sr. Njeri served as the communication coordinator for the Catholic Diocese of Nakuru and as the station manager of Radio Amani, a community radio station promoting peaceful coexistence. She is an alumna of DW Akademie in Kenya, holding certifications in conflict-sensitive journalism, marketing and sales, and management consultancy.

Sr. Njeri is deeply committed to media training, mentorship, and youth empowerment. She actively nurtures emerging talent in communications, conducts seminars for youth, and advocates for women’s empowerment and the support of vulnerable children and youth.

Her passion for excellence and transformative communication continues to inspire and create meaningful change in Kenya and beyond.