Verena Sangna Kakan

KENYA | 2023-24 FELLOW

Verena Sangna Kakan has an Associates degree in Information Technology from Christ the King College and is a Youth Mentor at Archdiocese of Nairobi.

She has worked at Regina Caeli Arts as an Art Director, providing a safe space for young women from troubled homes and domestic abuse backgrounds to come and express themselves through dance, music and theatre as a form of therapy. In her current job as a youth trainer, Verena empowers young women socially, economically, spiritually and psychologically by conducting seminars, workshops, formation programs and team building activities for them. 

She also volunteers in a charismatic group known as Via Pacis, which is Italian for way of peace. The group visits prisons and children's homes and provides them with toiletries and foodstuffs respectively. We have adopted three children with Down Syndrome and we strive to cater for their medical expenses and upkeep. Through this group Verena has helped sponsor two girls from a poor background through high School.