Sr. Victoria Achieng

KENYA | 2023-24 FELLOW

Sr. Victoria Achieng is the head teacher at St. Mary's Girls' Boarding Primary and Junior Secondary School in Kenya. There are currently 911 students at St. Mary’s, a vast difference from when the school began in 1963 with only 11 girls. 

Sr. Victoria has a Masters in Educational Administration and Planning, as well as a Bachelors in Education. She collaborates with other offices in the school and the county to ensure that they promote education in school and out of school. Sr. Victoria also provides counseling and spiritual guidance to the students and their parents in an effort to reduce and eradicate Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and early marriages among the girls at St. Mary’s.

She makes an impact in her community by allowing parents to pay school fees in kind, ensuring girls are able to make school and education a priority. She invites guest speakers in and plans spiritual and pastoral services to help students cope with the situations that they pass through.