Sr. Veronica Fatoyinbo


Sr. Veronica Fatoyinbo has a M.Ed. in Administration and Planning from National Open University and a Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Mathematics and Professional Education from Xavier University. She is a teacher by profession and currently works with African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC) as Country Director in Nigeria where she organizes and plans leadership workshops for religious women in Nigeria.

Sr. Veronica Fatoyinbo’s religious institute, The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, is an institute that cares so much about the poor and the most vulnerable ones in our society. Sr. Veronica Fatoyinbo is very passionate about making life livable, especially with regard to the dignity of the human person. In her professional life as a teacher, she had the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of students by making them know their worth as humans created in the image and likeness of God. In her current position as ASEC Country Director in Nigeria, Sr. Veronica Fatoyinbo tries her best to encourage sisters to live out the charism of their founders and foundresses so as to make a difference in the world.