Margarita Contreras del Toro


Margarita Contreras del Toro has a B.A. in Psychology and Theology and currently works as the Delegation Treasurer for Comboni Missionary Sisters and as a Christian Religious Faith Assistant at a Catholic Church in Virginia, USA.

Mago’s background is extensive as she’s had many life experiences that have led her to where she is today. Her first paid job was working one year as a secretary in a Tobacco Factory. After that year, she was trained as a religious missionary sister for three years and worked as a daycare assistant while studying ESL in Richmond, Virginia, USA. After college, Mago worked as a Christian Faith Formation Coordinator for five years before becoming the Chief Financial Administrator of Tangaza University College in Nairobi Kenya. 

Later, Mago moved to Mexico City as nominated Provincial leader of the Comboni Missionary Sisters (CMS) for Mexico-Costa Rica-Guatemala. Afterwards, she went back to Nairobi and worked two years as Provincial Treasurer of the CMS and six years as Provincial leader of the CMS in the same Province. She then went to Mexico and worked in Mission Education, before returning to the United States.

Throughout her time as a religious missionary woman, Mago has been exposed and related to people from different cultures, races, ethnic groups, religions, and education. While living in the USA, she tried to learn about different religious beliefs and associate with people from other races and faiths. As a missionary, she gave witness to her Christian faith, while also believing that Christ invites us to respect and embrace diversity. The love and peacebuilding that Jesus proclaims is to be put into practice in the reality of each context by listening to one another, respecting human dignity, promoting justice and equity, and together building a society where each human person can be him/herself as he/she is meant to be with their own culture identity, faith tradition, political orientation, and any other characteristic of the human person.